My Philosophy

In order to support a developing mind, children should have fun. They need to interact with their surroundings and enjoy plenty of activity and play. We're not set on a determined schedule here. Every day is a new adventure. But in every adventure there is an opportunity to learn.

Spanish Language Integration

At Teida's Tot's their is an atmosphere of cultural acceptance and learning. During the day Spanish will be integrated with English, so that children can learn another valuable language while their minds are at their peak for learning new things. Our goal is to ensure that each child receives a bilingual education that will give them a head start in today's world. This New York Times article explains the benefits of becoming multilingual.



Good Wholesome Food

I am a Master Herbalist that keeps a careful eye on the health of all my children. I believe that healthy childhood development relies on the health of the foods they eat. That is why the food I serve is organic and non-GMO.


Creation is an important skill for any adult to have. So we always offer ways for the children to draw, paint, build, mold, and imagine.


We do math, puzzles, reading, potty-training, geology, spelling, handwriting and more! There's always something new to learn at Teida's Tots.